Attention all bloggers, this just in…everyone makes mistakes. Yes, even bloggers make mistakes. You know how to blog and what to blog about, but do you know what NOT to blog about? Believe it or not there are a few mistakes you can make that may turn your readers off. So here are 6 things you should dodge before you start posting.
1. Political
Avoid this one like the plague! Pushing your personal political opinions onto your readers is a sure fire way to get some angry feedback. Whether you sport the donkey or elephant and as much as you think your idea is a good one, it is guaranteed you will make some readers enemies. However this does not apply to you if your blog is in fact, a political blog, and then soapbox away.
2. Complain
The only time it is okay to complain is if you are talking about the reality TV show Jersey Shore or you know how to be funny at the same time. That is a type of humor that most can’t pull off, so it’s suggested you just avoid whining altogether. No one likes a complainer and as a complainer, you must be careful with how negative your posts can come off. There is a difference in making your voice heard about a subject you feel poorly about but keep in mind there is a thin line and complaining is a turn off in the blogging world.
3. Repeat, repeat
You have heard that saying, beating a dead horse and this applies to your blog and this is probably the most common blogger mistake in the blogosphere. Not only should you repeat topics in your blog but avoid beating that poor dead horse. If you choose to repeat a topic, make sure you have added something new that the reader can walk away learning. A rule of thumb to follow, if you are tired of hearing about it most likely so is everyone else. An example: Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries brief marriage. Keep it timely and with the news.
4. Religious
Didn’t your mama teach you? There are two things you never talk about with people politics and religion. Just like political topics, religious ones are a tough one for readers to read with an open mind. Keep away from any negative words or overly positive/support for different religions and views. Again, unless your blog clearly states that is your theme, then this does not apply.
5. Personal
Your blog is not your high school ‘burn book’, if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it all. Remember what you blog about will be online for eternity (or until the internet blows up.) We would hate for you to regret something later down the line and not be able to escape words you said while ‘in the moment’. Do not air your dirty laundry. Most of your readers don’t want to know what you ate for breakfast or that you are having lovers spat with your significant other.
6. Ads
Giveaways, ads, marketing tactics are best kept on the side. If you overload your readers in the body of your blog with different marketing tactics they will mostly ditch your pitch. Keep it to a minimum and move on. No one likes the look of these blog posts and no one likes to feel like they are reading spam.
No one likes an overly political, religious, personal, complainer with too many ads. Ditch these tactics and stick to what you know. Reading your reader’s comments is a good writing tool for you. Take their advice or get inspired! As much as you don’t want to know sometimes, your readers have no problem letting you know how they feel about your posts as well what they want to hear from you. So remember please the people, they are your audience and biggest fans. Happy blogging!
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